griffix® školní kružítko

Abychom vám usnadnili začátek v mnohostranném světě geometrie, vyvinuli jsme ve společnosti Pelikan školní kružítko griffix®.


První ergonomický školní kružítko, které má vše po ruce!

Pro chytré začátky

Začít se stavbou nebylo nikdy tak snadné a pohodlné jako se školním kružítkem griffix®: všestranně promyšlené řešení s chytrými doplňky pro přesnou práci a bezpečnou přepravu!

Aktivně doprovázíme začátečníky v geometrii při jejich startu do světa kruhů, tvarů a perspektiv.



The Pelikan school compass is particularly suitable for beginners: the well thought-out, stable and child-friendly shape with a non-slip and pleasant surface provides perfect support when gripping and first constructing.



Vertical lead and center point guide in every angle setting

Vertical lead and center point guide in every angle setting

Due to the pre-set stiffness of compass legs and the parallelogram principle – measurements are accurate to the millimeter

Due to the pre-set stiffness of compass legs and the parallelogram principle – measurements are accurate to the millimeter

The compass re-adjustment is child’s play with the help of the large locking weel

The compass re-adjustment is child’s play with the help of the large locking weel

Clever Extras

  • Integrated spare lead depot (3 leads, size H) in the handle - no extra lead box required
  • Unique sharpening option for the lead in the cap - no extra sharpener required


  • Folded small and compact - with a length of only 150 mm - perfect for transporting
  • Tip protection for transport - metal and graphite leads are protected and carried in the pencil case safely

Thanks to this well thought-out solution, parents can trust that their child will have a lot of fun learning and discovering from the first geometry lesson.

The griffix® school circle as part of the griffix® product family actively supports children in their start in the world of construction.

Naše linie



compass griffix blue GZIF/3 Fb/3



compass griffix sweetberry GZIF/3 Fb/3



Pelikan kružítko Griffix



compass griffix sweetberry GZI/1/B